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About Scott Lockyer Dozer Hire
Scott Lockyer Dozer Hire is a Gladstone business providing heavy-duty services such as excavating, earthmoving and cattle transporting. We guarantee professional service on all land clearing jobs we undertake. We have been in business for more than a decade and our staff are experienced and reliable. The team at Scott Lockyer Dozer Hire cater to a wide range of jobs throughout Gladstone and the surrounding Central Queensland areas. In addition to our Gladstone excavating and earthmoving work, we also provide a range of land clearing services. You can rely on us for dam construction, stick raking, site levelling for houses and sheds as well as scrub pulling and clearing. Our 5.8 metre stick rake and scrub pulling chain make light work of tough sites. If you need assistance with clearing for pasture improvement, we have a blade plough and seeder box available. We also have water trucks to control dust, water new plantations and for dam construction. For Gladstone cattle transporting, we use a 40-foot, single deck cattle truck. All this equipment helps us to complete our job and guarantee great results every time. Call Scott Lockyer Dozer Hire today and let our experts do the work quickly and affordably for you.
Blade plough
Seeder box
Water truck
Scrub pulling chain
5.8-metre stick rake
40-foot cattle transporter
Dam construction
Clearing & stick raking
House & shed site levelling
Scrub pulling & clearing
Pasture improvement & blade ploughing
Stick raking
Pasture improvement
Blade ploughing
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