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About SCR Hinterland Property
SCR-Real estate agents at your service 362 days a year. Our office is situated in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland on the Steve Irwin Way; 5mins drive to Australia Zoo & opposite the Glenview 9 Hole Golf Course. We are hard working professional agents backed by a business that is family owned and operated by people that live in your community. With a combined experience of more than 50 years in the real estate industry we realise that often the real work begins after the contract is signed. We specialise in selling properties throughout the Sunshine Coast Hinterland that range from residential houses and units, bare residential land, acreage/lifestyle land, rural land, houses on acreage lifestyle blocks, farmlets, and rural properties. If you are considering selling, or if you are already on the market but not 100% satisfied with your current service, contact us to find out more about the SCR difference, and let us help you sell your property. If you are considering Buying, then contact us to organise inspections on prospective properties, and be given all the relevant information you need to make an informed decision (and if we don't know an answer to a question we will tell you and endeavour to find the information as quickly as possible). Use the SCR difference to help you find the right property to buy. Contact SCR to get the best service in the Sunshine Coast Hinterland.
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Lifestyle Acreage's
Rural Property
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SCR Hinterland Property