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About Maddog Composites
Maddog Composites specialise in high quality Composite Repairs and Painting. Maddog Composites are the Australian Dealers for LX Nav, leading the market in Navigational Devices, Variometers and Flying accessories. The LXNav eCopilot is designed for LSA, UL and experimental aircraft and offers a modular system that is customisable to your needs – Make it yours! As the Australian supplier of Kerry Covers we are always expanding our inventory and offer a variety of high quality, affordable and user friendly Aircraft Covers. Quick-tie systems allow for easy fitting, with hail protection covers offering the highest level of protection. Visit Maddog Composites for all your Composites, Instrument and Aircraft Cover needs.
Engine Spare Parts & Engines
Aircraft Accessories
Cobra Trailer
Aircraft Covers
ESA Systems
Seals & Tapes
Eco Pilot
Glider Maintenance & Repairs
Glider Refinishing
Composite Repairs
Composite Painting
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services does Maddog Composites specialize in?
Maddog Composites specializes in high-quality Composite Repairs and Painting for aircraft.
What is LX Nav, and how is Maddog Composites involved with it?
LX Nav is a leading manufacturer of Navigational Devices, Variometers, and Flying accessories. Maddog Composites serves as the Australian Dealers for LX Nav products.
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