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About Sea Marine and Diving Services Manly Vale
Sea Marine and Diving Services provides comprehensive Commercial diving services to clients along Australia's East Coast, the Pacific Islands and beyond. Our staff are ADAS accredited, Part 2, 3 and 4 Commercial Divers, Dive Supervisors, Advanced Riggers, Dogmen, Scaffolders & Carpenters who are all extensively trained and experienced in their field. SMADS prides itself on the workmanship, professionalism and attention to safety demonstrated on every job undertaken - large and small. From our two main bases in Sydney and Newcastle, we have the capacity and capabilities to deliver a wide variety of marine diving services efficiently, cost-effectively and to the highest industry standards.
Commercial Diving Services
Marine Construction
Marine Asset Inspections
Marine Asset Repairs
Marine Asset Maintenance
Wet Welding/Broco
Water Blasting
Video & Photo Surveys
NDT (Non-Destructive Testing)
Pile Restorations
Marine Salvaging
Contamination Diving
Cathodic Protection Installations & Inspections
Nitrox Supply
Hydraulic Tools
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Ways to Pay
ADAS Accredited
ISO 14001 Certified
ISO 45001 Certified
ISO 9001 Certified
Frequently Asked Questions
What is commercial diving?
Commercial diving involves underwater work that is done for commercial or industrial purposes, such as construction, salvage, inspection, and repair.
What safety measures do you have in place during commercial dives?
We have strict safety protocols in place, including pre-dive safety checks, emergency procedures, and constant communication between the dive team and surface support.
Sea Marine and Diving Services Manly Vale