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About Secure Hard Drive Destruction
Secure Hard Drive Destruction (SHDD) provides an end-to-end secure disposal environment including (but not limited to): IT media & assets, ITAR, weapons, explosive ordnances (free from explosives) and systems from ‘End-of-Life’ Defence vehicles (Air/Sea/Land). Managing the process for you with secure packaging methods and products, transport, storage and destruction capability from BIL 1-5. We have current and ongoing contracts with the Australian Department of Defence, Large Corporates and Federal and State Government departments, all of which protect national security! Give us a call today to find out how we can help you with your next destruction and disposal project.
Secure Packaging (TH-1,2,3 Packaging Suite)
Deployable Onsite Disposal System (ODS-1)
High Security Transport & Packaging
Hard Drive Destruction
Weapon Destruction Services
E-Waste Recycling
ICT Media & Asset Recycling
Secure Military Disposals
Firearm Destruction
Data Sanitisation
Secure Storage
Hazardous Waste Recycling
Proper Disposal of Assets without Having to Leave the Premises
Availability of the Right Equipment for Proper Physical Destruction
Quick Execution of Destruction
On-Record Destruction of Sensitive Media Assets
ITAR Compliant Asset Disposals
IT Equipment Recycling
Secure Data Destruction
Degaussing, Sanitisation & Re-Sale
Recorded Destruction
Witnessed Destruction
Escorted Destruction
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Keilor East VIC
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Frequently Asked Questions
How does hard drive destruction work?
What we offer is a complete service which is certified and involves deletion, overwriting and physical destruction of your media and assets that hold sensitive data, so there is no shred of evidence left to recover. The complete process we undergo with our disposal services, is what makes the difference with physically destroying the media and assets like hard drives (HDs).
What is ITAR?
International Trafficking in Arms Regulations (ITAR) is the regulation that controls the manufacturing, sale and distribution (handling) of US Defense and space-related technologies (articles and services) as stated in the United States Munitions list. Secure Hard Drive Destruction is accredited to handle ITAR and provides a secure environment appropriate for the destruction process.
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