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About Sharing Places Pearce
Sharing Places Pearce participants are aged 18 years and over who have a primary intellectual disability that is likely to be permanent, results in substantially reduced capacity in the areas of functional life skills, mobility, communication, interpersonal and social skills, learning, work and leisure. Sharing Places provides for participation in community, social and civic activities; development of daily living and life skills including work readiness transition skills training; development and implementation of communication strategies and use of augmentative communication aids and, development and implementation of behaviour support programs leading to positive outcomes for all participants. Participants are supported by professionals who are committed to supporting participants to enhance personal growth, through a diversity of programs and quality of lifestyles within community environments.
Primary Intellectual Disability Services
Community Services
Social & Civic Activities
Development Of Daily Living
Communication Strategies
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Frequently Asked Questions
Who can access the services provided by Sharing Places Pearce?
Sharing Places Pearce serves individuals of all ages living with various disabilities. Their services are designed to cater to children, adolescents, adults, and seniors with diverse needs, ensuring personalized support for each individual.
Is Sharing Places Pearce registered and accredited?
Yes, Sharing Places Pearce is registered and accredited as a disability service provider. They adhere to industry standards and regulations to ensure the safety, quality, and effectiveness of their services.
Sharing Places Pearce