About Single Transport Services
Single Transport Services have been supplying Mackay and surrounding regions with quality transportation services for more than 43 years. Have something heavy which you need transported? We can load items up to 7 tonne, transport, deliver and install. We specialise in transport, installation and unloading of products with very large cranes on our trucks/semi's lifting up to 7 tonnes. We service local industries, the Mills, Mines and rural areas from the gulf to the South Australian Border. Providing outstanding service to our customers for 43 years, with long standing contracts with Aurizon, Ergon Energy, Mindrill and Roadtek (TMR). We work directly with you, our customers to provide you with quality, reliable and trustworthy service. We specialise in loading, transport and unloading of products as well as offering installation with our vehicle loading cranes. Our service extends throughout the Mackay district and Queensland. Single Transport Services Pty Limited is strong supporters of safety in the transport industry. We received Trucksafe Accreditation in 1997 and are BFM (Basic Fatigue Management) in 2008 and audited regularly. If you are looking for a reliable value cost efficient service, don't hesitate to give us a call today.
3 Prime movers units
2 Body trucks + cranes + tow 4 axle super dog trailers
1 Extendable trailer - 19 metres load
2 Tri-axle 12 metre trailers
2 Tri-axle step deck trailers
Auger equipment - 450 & 600 mm diameter
Large vehicle cranes behind cabs - special mine certified
Crane trucks hire
Specialist fleet of 5 units
Cranes lifting capacity of up to 8 tonnes
Loading and unloading
Power pole / property pole supply and installation
Mine compliant Trucks
Vehicle loading crane (hiab, palfinger, fassi)
Loading and unloading on site.
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Palmyra QLD
Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Honest, reliable & trustworthy.
Licensed Crane Operators + Dogmen - cranes >10 tonne/metre
Operate under Workplace Health & Safety & Government Regulations & Requirements.
Excellent knowledge local areas + service customers throughout Qld.
DRIVERS – Professional operators
All drivers hold "Current Heavy Vehicle Licences" & High Risk Tickets
Single Transport Services