About Skilled Trees
Skilled Trees is a Townsville tree removal and tree doctor service, providing professional arborist skills to the region. We are a member of the International Society of Arboriculture member, as well as being a member of the Queensland Aboricultural Association. We are a family owned and run business, catering to the tree and stump removal needs of the local community. We are professionally trained and use specialised equipment for pruning, chipping and removing trees. All of our services are fully insured. Skilled Trees' owner-operator, Adam Cozzitorto, was North Queensland Climbing Champion in 2013, so he brings specialised climbing services to each job. No matter how big your tree problem is, Adam is happy to tend to each and every job with enthusiasm and professionalism. Some of the tree services that we provide include shaping and deadwooding, as well as our specialised tree and stump removal. We have a 15 metre and a 22 metre cherry picker available to assist us in reaching higher limbs. We carry out all pruning and deadwooding tasks safely, ensuring there is no damage caused to your home or garden. Skilled Trees can also remove coconuts from your trees, ensuring they don't fall on your furniture, house, car or worse ... a person . In addition to removing trees, low hanging limbs and stumps, Skilled Trees also offer mulch sales and deliveries. We are happy to provide free quotes on all of our services, simply give us a call to discuss your needs.
Arborist service
Specialised climbers
Arboricultural assessment & reporting
Tree removal
Coconut palm de-nutted
Stump removal/root maintenance
Treatment/fertilisation services
Bobcat & truck hire
Mulch sales & deliveries
Qualified arborist services
4.9 rating
7 reviews
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Mundingburra QLD
Ways to Pay
Dip. Arb (Arboriculture), Quantified Tree Risk Assesment (QTRA) Lic No: 3921, Qualified Member QAA (Queensland Arboriculture Association),
Arboriculture Australia Chapter (AAC) Member, QBCC Reg No: 844078,
Ergon Energy - Authorised Person, HRWL (High Risk Work Licence) No: 0003177778.
Queensland Work Cover No: WHA090617720, Brodaform Public Insurance Policy No: 103755 (20 Million)
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Deadwooding?
Deadwooding is essentially the removal of all dead, dying, broken or diseased branches from the tree. This process is used to prevent any hazards that may be caused by falling dead branches to people or property. Deadwooding also increases the amount of light and air circulation within the canopy of the tree, reduces the risk of pests and disease, improving the overall health and beauty of the tre
What Is Crown Reduction?
This is a more extensive and severe form of pruning and is used to: - Reduce the weight of potentially dangerous limbs. - Balance a misshapen tree, for example, following storm damage, or after bad pruning. - Prevent trees obstructing or damaging buildings and property. - Prevent trees from interfering with overhead telephone and power lines.
Skilled Trees