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About Skinial Sunshine Coast South
Do you know there is an option to Laser Tattoo removal? Skinial Non Laser Tattoo removal was founded in Germany 2009 by Doctors and Dermatologists Now available in 7 countries ,Skinial works using the same technique as applying a tattoo but in reverse. A natural liquid which acts as a colour remover is applied to the tattoo using a micro pigmentation device. The sensation is similar to a tattoo as opposed to laser removal which is extremely painful and requires many more treatments. Using the device ,the ink (ALL COLOURS) comes to the surface, crusts and falls off in a couple of weeks. On average 4-6 treatments. So if you are looking for a healthier ,more effective tattoo removal treatment by a qualified Cosmetic Nurse of 10 years. Come and see Melissa for a complimentary consultation at the beautiful Skinial Clinic located in Cozmedics Maroochydore.
Skinial Skin Care
Non Laser tattoo removal
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