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About Smooth Sailing Counselling
Smooth Sailing Counselling in Port Macquarie offers: 1. Individual Adult Counselling 2. NDIS Counselling 3. Employee Assistance Program Chat with Linda to see if counselling is for you - Individual Adult Counselling Individual counselling for adults can be an effective way to tackle obstacles and clear a path to regain a happy and fulfilled life. It provides a safe, confidential and non-judgmental personal space for you to openly air your concerns, explore alternatives and learn coping strategies. Talking through things with trained, impartial professional lets you fully explore your concerns without worrying about being judged, or being offered a "Quick Fix." NDIS Counselling NDIS counselling can be individualised and tailored to your specific needs. Counselling is a safe and confidential space. You can talk openly about the challenges you face in your life. You can be listened to, respected and understood. NDIS counselling can provide you with more understanding of yourself and your needs. Also, to help you develop and work towards achieving your goals. Linda can also help to support you in connecting with other services. We can work with: - life skills development - pain management - grief around accidents - relationship difficulties - goal setting Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Workplace worries among employees can affect company productivity and profits. With employee well-being linked to productivity, together with Covid-19 pandemic concerns impacting almost every aspect of our lives, businesses are vulnerable to the effects of worry and distress among employees. This means that timely and appropriate counselling to help maintain the emotional well-being of employees is essential to sustaining business efficiency. The Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) is a proven cost-effective and productive process to help employees confronting personal issues that may be affecting their work performances. EAP counselling services are specifically tailored for businesses with more than 10 employees and Linda has extensive experience in providing EAP services to many local organisations.
Employee Assistance Program - EAP
Individual counselling for Adults
Weight concerns
Body image
Life stage transition
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Ways to Pay
Australian Counselling Association
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your qualifications?
Graduate Diploma in Counselling (2018) Bachelor of Social Work (2006) Bachelor of Arts (Sociology & Women's Studies) I am a registered member of the Australian Counselling Association - #2802.
Do I need a referral from my doctor?
A Mental Health Care Plan is NOT requiredYou do not need a Mental Health Care Plan from your GP to access counselling. Your sessions will not appear on your health records.
Smooth Sailing Counselling