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About Solahart Hunter Valley
In Singleton, Solar Hot Water gives you the chance to beat high power prices. Not just in Singleton but every Hunter Valley household will do better by going solar. A Solahart solar water heater could reduce your water heating energy consumption by between 50% to 90%. At Solahart, you'll be dealing with the experts. We're the ones who have the knowledge, the prices, and the hard-earned reputation. Your investment in a new hot water system is in safe hands with us. We're now in our 6th decade in the business of providing solar hot water technology. Our products come with all the time-tested, climate-ready quality you can count on from Australia's most trusted name in solar powered hot water. It all begins with a free assessment. We follow up with the spot-on advice you need, rather than a sales-driven spiel. Your order comes with problem-free installation and comprehensive after-sales service. Call Solahart Hunter Valley today!
Thermosiphon roof-mounted systems
Streamline split systems
Heat pumps
Battery storage
Hot water system installations & replacements
Solar power
Solar hot water
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