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About Solar Powered Homes
Solar Powered Homes provides and services a wide range of renewable energy and energy efficiency products. Our services include: - Residential and commercial grid-connected solar PV - Hybrid Solar system (with grid-connected backup) - Stand Alone Power (including battery storage) - Solar PV system monitoring - Solar Hot Water and heat pumps - Energy Management - Energy Auditing - Energy efficient lighting (including LEDs) - General electrical servicing and maintenance We are a local company with extensive experience working with renewable energy technology on the mid north coast for over 15 years, and over 30 years experience within the broader electrical industry. Our focus is on addressing our customer's needs with individually designed solutions providing only the highest quality products, service and support through the entire process.
Grid Connect Solar Installations
Hybrid – Battery Storage Installations
Stand Alone Power System Installations
Electrical Designs
LED Lighting
Solar Hot Water Installations
Heat Pump Installations
Monitoring & Energy Management
Electrical Installations
Electrical Maintenance
Electrical Planning
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