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About Soulfulyoga
Suitable for all levels of health and fitness, Yoga is something that can benefit everyone at any age. Sarah Jorgensen's style of teaching focusses on breath and posture awareness, strengthening the mind and body in a way that feels good for the body and the soul. Where to find Sarah teaching��. Sarah teaches in various places around Alligator Creek and Townsville. Sarah is also available to conduct Private and small group sessions from her home in Alligator Creek- or other locations as arranged. Sarah is currently teaching the following classes: �Alligator Creek Bowls and Rec Club, Parkland Road Alligator Creek: Saturday mornings 9:30- 11am (General all levels). �Yoga Health, Woolcock St Currajong: Wednesday mornings 9:30- 11am (Foundation level starting 1st Feb). �Upper Ross PCYC, Riverway Drive Rassmussen: Thursday mornings 9:30-11am (4 Week introductory course starting 16th Feb).
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