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About Souls Massage Thongs
The Soul of Australian Beach Culture is surfing. Souls thongs have a history linked with surfing that all began on one of Australia's most stunning surf beaches, Moffat Beach on Queensland's Sunshine Coast. The Souls story begins with local Sunshine Coast surfer, Stu Johnston, stumbling across a funky pair of thongs on one of his surfing safaris in the Maldives. Arriving back on the Coast, Stu's multi-coloured massage thongs created a lot of interest among the surfing fraternity. Numerous requests from family and friends to bring these thongs back from his travels saw Stu stuffing his back-pack, overnight bags and even surfboard covers full of thongs. Something had to be done! Following countless family BBQ's and several re-designs later, the Australian designed, massage thong was born. Setting up base at Moffat Beach, the Souls family have since managed distribution across Australia, New Zealand, Japan, USA, Central America, Caribbean, Europe, United Arab Emirates and the Pacific Islands.
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