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About Spectacular Jumping Crocodile Cruise
Jumping crocodile cruises on the Adelaide River as we know them today were begun in the 1970s with Stefan’s River Safaris, started by ex-croc hunter Stefan Sebesken when he began to take tourists onto the river on his boat, the Daniella. Stefan entertained his tour guests with his resident crocodile pal, Shonky, by feeding him from his boat and jetty, eventually realising that Shonky was able to jump out of the water for food. Stefan’s River Safaris operated from the area where the current public boat ramp is today, next to the Adelaide River bridge.
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Crocodile Cruise Agency
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Frequently Asked Questions
Are the crocs harmed?
Absolutely not. Their welfare, along with your safety, is our highest priority. We have developed the first Animal Welfare Policy for our interactions to ensure the highest ethical standards are maintained. These guidelines have been reviewed by NT Parks and Wildlife, as well as several crocodile behavior experts and meet the standards of international groups.
How long does the tour last?
Our regular scheduled cruises at 9 am, 11 am, 1 pm & 3 pm, are scheduled to last an hour. We do offer specialty cruises from time to time, as well as private charter options.