About Spiritboy Psychic Phone Readings
I am a full-time Psychic Intuitive able to do Phone / Messenger / Skype Readings or in person in Cairns. I look forward to helping you though any difficulties you have at present. I have been counselling for many years and I am able to help you through non judgemental solid advice and bring clarity to the situation. Whether it's relationships, work, health or grief, I am here to help. Booking are essential and I am able to connect with you through Phone, Messenger, Whats-up or Skype. Call 0418773614 or http://spiritboy.com.au
Ebooks - Learning the Tarot / Psychic Development, Numerology, Coffee Guru
Oracle Cards - Katy K's/ Australian Wildlife
On line Tarot Courses
Psychic Intuitive Phone / Skype / Messenger Readings
Psychic Development Workshops / Course
Crystal Energy Healing, Pranic, Reiki
Crystal Healing / Cairns
Pranic Healing / Cairns
Psychic Development Workshop s/ Cairns
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Direct Debit
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Do You Read?
Mainly through the Tarot Cards, Chanelling, Intuition, Mediumship and Numerology
How long are the Psychic Phone Readings?
50 minutes to an hour generally, but depends on what comes through in the session.
Spiritboy Psychic Phone Readings