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About Springs Medical
Welcome to Springs Medical, located at the modern Trentham Campus of Hepburn Health Service. Our well-equipped facility features 3 consulting rooms, a spacious treatment room, and a central waiting area and reception. In partnership with Clinical Laboratories, we provide pathology services on-site for 3 days a week. At Springs Medical, we take pride in offering personalised, community-integrated primary healthcare to you and your loved ones. Our dedicated doctors in Trentham address a wide range of medical concerns, including women's health, paediatrics, mental health, and chronic disease management. We also provide compassionate care for the elderly community and offer convenient rapid bulk bill appointments for simple consultations. For more information about our Rapid Bulk Bill Clinics, please click [link]. Experience exceptional healthcare at Springs Medical - your trusted family GP practice.
Primary Health Care
Pathology Services
Women's Health
Men's Health
Mental Health
Chronic Disease Management
Caring for the Elderly Community
Family GP's
Rapid Bulk Bill Clinics
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