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About Square Penny
Since its conception in 2006, Square Penny has been helping a multitude of businesses in finding solace with their bookkeeping and financial management needs. With a well-experienced mixture of Chartered Accountants, CPA’s and Bookkeepers, Square Penny has firmly equipped themselves to handle the particular financial needs of companies spanning across a wide range of industries. When Founder of Square Penny, Damian Scodella, began this journey of accounting and bookkeeping, he started with a firm goal of wanting to help to empower businesses. His ethos has, and always will be to demonstrate how any action of a business can have an impact on the overall bottom line. Square Penny has adopted Damian’s ethos, and all of its staff transmit his altruistic values of genuinely wanting to help a business grow and save money. Square Penny operates by working closely with its clients in ensuring that their books are organised and up to date. As well as managing books, Square Penny can provide financial management services, professional business advice and tailored financial analysis. The idea is to free up the business owner’s time, thus allowing them to focus on growing and expanding their business.
Financial Management & Analysis
Budgeting & Refinancing Advice
Human Resources Advice
BAS Preparation
Payroll Processing
Bank Reconciliations
Statutory Requirements
Debtor Collection
Creditor Payments
Financial Business Processes
Implementation Of New Business Systems
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Frequently Asked Questions
What bookkeeping services does Square Penny provide?
Square Penny offers comprehensive bookkeeping services to businesses. This includes organizing and maintaining financial records, managing accounts payable and receivable, reconciling bank statements, and preparing financial reports.
Can Square Penny assist with financial analysis?
Yes, Square Penny offers financial analysis services to provide insights into businesses financial performance and help them make informed decisions.
Square Penny