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Primary School
Outdoor Activities
Science Classes
Library Area
Performing Arts Classes
Literacy Support
Emu Maths Classes
Bike Education
Camps for Years 3 to 6
School Based Welfare Program
Mother Goose
Kinder/Prep Transition Program
Playground Available
School Readiness Programs
Early Childhood Development Programs
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Frequently Asked Questions
What is the school's enrollment process?
To enroll your child at Dunolly Primary School, you will need to contact the school office and complete the necessary enrollment forms. You may be required to provide certain documents such as proof of address, birth certificate, immunization records, etc.
How can parents get involved in the school community?
Dunolly Primary School encourages parental involvement. Parents can participate in various ways, such as joining the Parent-Teacher Association (PTA), volunteering for school events or field trips, attending parent-teacher conferences, or engaging in fundraising activities. The school will provide information on how parents can get involved.
Dunolly Primary School