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About Stevens Karen
Karen Stevens has been offering her services as a speech pathologist in the Hastings region since 1995, covering a large area including Port Macquarie, Camden Haven, Wauchope and Kempsey, on the Mid North Coast of NSW. Karen has an Honors Degree from the University of Queensland, and is a practising member of Speech Pathology Australia. You will also find Karen listed on the Private Practitioners Register. Full assessment of all concerns - Individual or group therapy - Home programming - Reports on request - School and community education Working with teachers and other professionals for the best result - Over 20 years experience - Rebates through Medicare Plus or health funds. DVA provider - Rehabilitation speech pathologist
Early language stimulation
Voice problems
Articulation & language
Developmental disabilities
Staff training in areas such as voice care & effective communication
Stroke rehabilitation
Eating and swallowing difficulties
Alternative communication, including visual aides and sign language
Autism & Asperger's - fill language �gaps', help social skills, develop visual aides, etc
Auditory processing - �tuning� your brain for sounds
Pragmatics (social language)
Dyspraxia (a planning problem)
Literacy skills - help with spelling, reading & writing
Accredited provider of the FastForWord programme
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Stevens Karen