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About Summit School with Leanne O
With over 17 years experience in the Digital Marketing and Web Development space with Big Blue Digital, Summit School with Leanne O is a dedicated digital marketing education business with a specific focus in helping small business owners grow their business online. If you are wondering why you can't seem to generate any leads from your website. If you can't quite seem to get people to buy from you even though they seem to like you on social media. If you know you should send our emails and blog, but you have nothing to say. If you are unsure how to get more people visiting your website or even what they might search on If you just know there is more to online marketing than simply having a website and a Facebook page - but you have no honest idea what you need to do. If you want to know How to think strategically about it all, How to create a digital marketing plan and How to implement the plan and measure its success You need to talk to me. You need to complete one of my online training programs - which have been designed to suit small business owners, just like you. You need to take the next step to secure the future of your business and together we can grow your business online. Take that step. Stop circling around at the bottom of the mountain. Grab your compass and join me as we move your business from basecamp to the summit.
Facebook Advertising Training
Instagram Marketing Training
Digital Marketing Training
Facebook Advertising Training
Instagram Marketing Training
Digital Marketing Training
SEO Audits
Digital Strategy Online Programs
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