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About Sunbird Orthodontics Smithfield
We work out of purpose built premises in the Northern Beaches area of Cairns and regularly visit the central business area of Port Douglas. We run a relaxed practice with an emphasis on top quality patient care. Every patient who comes in for an appointment will be seen by an orthodontist. We are firm believers in the principal that well informed patients lead to satisfactory outcomes. We relish the opportunity to discuss details of treatment and of levels of flexibility in the business side of the practice. We provide care to the highest standards with the most modern and appropriate technology and techniques. We deliver high standards of outcomes but realise that we can only do that with high levels of patient co-operation and family support. Our approach to fees, payment plans and appointing is flexible and highly personalised.
No Referral Necessary
Straightening Teeth
Correcting Overbite
Correcting Underbite
Correcting Crossbite
Other Dental Procedures
Conventional Braces
Ceramic Braces
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Sunbird Orthodontics Smithfield