Sunshine Painters
Trading for 21 years
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About Sunshine Painters
Benefit from quality workmanship at affordable prices with Sunshine Painters on the Tweed Coast. The paints we use are stylish and durable, sourced from renowned brands including Dulux and Taubmans. At Sunshine Painters, our careful application and high attention to detail ensures we provide premium results with every job. Talk to our specialists about your Tweed and Gold Coast painting, repainting, roof restoration, roof re-sprays and rust treatment needs. We also undertake insurance work. Our Tweed Coast painters have the experience and knowledge to work on all types of projects including residential, commercial and industrial buildings, body corporate areas, resorts, townhouses and retirement villages. Thanks to our advanced spray guns, our own scaffolding and cherry pickers, we can reach and spray just about any building. Call us today to organise a Tweed Coast house painting and repainting service. We also service areas of the southern Gold Coast, all the way down to Ballina.
Painting Services
Insurance Works
Roof Restorations
Rust Treatments
Good Quality Workmanship
Experience & Knowledge
Scaffolding Services
Commercial Painting
High Attention To Detail
5 rating
2 reviews
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Terranora NSW
Ways to Pay
NSW Fair Trading Licence No: 174739C
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