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About SWAT Mosquito Unit
S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit is dedicated exclusively to controlling mosquitoes that transmit disease and ruin your great outdoors experience. We love Aussie kids, we love Aussie pets...... We love Aussies...... but not the �Aussie Mozzie�. 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Your complete satisfaction is important to us. If you are not completely satisfied with our perimeter spray, contact your S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit specialist within 21 days of application for a full 100% refund. FAQ's Q. Does it cost me anything to meet with a S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit specialist? A. No! You can arrange for a free consultation and estimate or just drop us a line...... No worries...... No strings. Q. How does S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit deal with my mosquito assault? A. With �Special Weapons and Tactics� - a mist carrying a synthetic derivative of a naturally occurring plant extract is applied to external surfaces and mosquito harbourage sites around the home. When mosquitoes come into contact with the treated surfaces...... its game over! Q. Will S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit kill all the mosquitoes on my property? A. No service can offer 100% protection from every mosquito. You may still be ambushed by mozzies that fly directly into your yard and home without landing. However, you will find that mosquito numbers are enormously reduced...... and if you don't, you can get a refund based on our 100% satisfaction guarantee. Q. Can my children and pets play in the yard during application? A. Under normal conditions, S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit applications should dry in around 30 minutes. When dry, there is negligible opportunity for the product to transfer to people or pets who brush against treated surfaces. However, children and pets should be kept away during application and for the proceeding 30 minutes it takes for the treatment to dry. If wet spray comes in contact with the skin, wash it off immediately with soap and water Q. Will the application leave an odour or blemishes? A. It shouldn't. The odour of the mist is mild to the human nose and should be completely unnoticeable once the application has dried in around 30 minutes under normal conditions. A slight barely detectable film �may� temporarily occur on some smooth or shiny surfaces such as windows. Q. How long will the application last? A. S.W.A.T Mosquito Unit offer a 21 day 100% satisfaction guarantee. However, under the right conditions applications �may� last up to 12 weeks.
Perimeter Applications for:
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Camp Grounds
Regional Councils
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Industrial Camp Accommodation
Mosquito Control
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