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About Sydney Phobia Therapy
Welcome to Sydney Phobia Therapy! We understand and help those with anxiety disorders and phobic reactions and we are able to distinguish the very clear differences between fears and phobias. We do not ‘treat’ them. We help clients get past them, leave them behind and be free of them in order to live the life they want. There are so many different phobias, how can we be sure to manage them all? Sydney Phobia Therapy knows how to profile each client individually so that their therapy is individually tailored. Different triggers and aspects particular to the client are diminished and replaced with new more beneficial responses, aiding the client in a clear-headed future. A very common phobia is social phobia which is also called social anxiety disorder. Does the client want to feel fear and anxiety in social situations? Of course not. Sydney Phobia Therapy uses specific reprogramming methods and non-invasive techniques to help the client be rid of distress and behaviours which compromise their day to day living.
Fear Of Blood (Hemophobia) Treatment
Fear Of A Disease (Nosophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Vomiting (Emetophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Germs & Illness (Mysophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Needles (Trypanophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Heights (Acrophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Flying (Aerophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Snakes (Ophidiophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Spiders (Arachnophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Dogs (Cynophobia) Treatment
Extreme Fear Of Night / Darkness (Nyctophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Thunder & Lightning (Astraphobia) Treatment
Social Phobia Treatment
Fear Of Public Speaking (Glossophobia) Treatment
Fear Of Crowds (Agoraphobia) Treatment
Fear Of Clowns (Coulrophobia) Treatment
Environment Services
Relationship Services
Health Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
Does the therapist control me during hypnotherapy according to Sydney Phobia Therapy?
No! This is absolutely not true! The client remains completely in control and fully aware. If something does not fit with a client’s core beliefs or values in everyday life then it will also not be accepted by the client when in hypnosis. Stage Hypnosis is different to Clinical Hypnosis.
How do I know if I can be hypnotized at Sydney Phobia Therapy?
Provided you, as a client are committed, then you can be hypnotized. The depth to which you experience hypnosis can vary each time but depth is not necessary for the therapy to work. As mentioned, it is another form of relaxation which is something that we all have the capacity to do.
Sydney Phobia Therapy