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About Syntropia, Syntropic Farming Courses & Consultancy
Welcome to Syntropia, the home of Syntropic Farming Courses & Consultancy led by Scott Hall. As a 5th Generation Farmer, Farm Consultant, and Farm Educator, Scott brings a unique perspective, combining practical insights with extensive knowledge of regenerative agriculture. Offering both in-person courses and an online membership platform, Syntropia provides ongoing support to its community. Follow Scott's journey as he builds the remarkable 20-acre Regenerative Farm, 'Syntropia Farm', on the Gold Coast. Get ready to embark on a transformative agricultural adventure!
In-person Syntropic Farming Courses
Online Membership Platform
Community for Ongoing Support
20 Acre Regenerative Farm
Syntropic Farming
Regenerative Agriculture
Syntropic Agroforestry
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Syntropia, Syntropic Farming Courses & Consultancy