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About Teeth N Smiles
We are Australia’s fastest growing mobile dental services provider. Our service was created to fulfil these needs of busy, hard-working Australians. We have a team of professionally qualified dentists, hygienists and assistants ready to bring you the best service. Our service is focused on being agile and mobile, which gives you flexibility. We arrange to visit schools for students, work places for your employees or even residents at aged care facilities. We offer dental services to schools in the local area, corporate workplaces and facilities for aged care. We offer dental services to schools in the local area, corporate workplaces and facilities for aged care.
Preventative Dentistry
Restorative Dentistry
Aged Care Dentistry
School Dentistry
Corporate Services
Children’s Dentistry
Educational Programs
Rural & Regional Outreach Programs
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Frequently Asked Questions
What does a dental check-up include at Teeth N Smiles?
Each check-up appointment includes a comprehensive oral examination, removal of plaque and calculus, diagnostic x-rays (If required), preventative fluoride treatment and a dental care plan. We also provide information to patients about the importance of maintaining great oral health.
Can Teeth N Smiles service be claimed if we have private health insurance but my child is not eligible for CDBS?
Yes, depending on your level of cover most private health insurers, provide two free check-ups and cleans per family member each year. Our team will organise full payment for the appointment after the service, an invoice will be sent to you to claim back part or all of the cost through your private health fund - depending on your type of cover.
Teeth N Smiles