Survey Plans
Contour & Detail Plans
Boundary Identification Survey Plans
AHD Level Surveys
Lease & Easement Surveys
Strata Title/Building Format Subdivisions
Road Actions (Openings & Closure)
Control & GPS Surveys
Construction Set-Out
Proposal Plans to Support Council Applications
Building Format Subdivision (Subdivisions in Strata)
State Land Surveys (i.e. Road Closure & Freeholding Surveys)
Volumetric Surveys
Covenant Surveys
Profit a Prendre Surveys
Subdivision Surveys
Reconfiguration of a Lot/Subdivision Surveys
As-Constructed Surveys
Monitoring Surveys
Set-Out Surveys
Boundary Identification Surveys
Contour & Detail Surveys
Cadastral Surveys
Engineering Surveys
Government Accredited
Fully Insured
Construction Surveys
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Bayview Heights QLD
Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
Registered with the Surveyors Board of Queensland (#4414) for Cadastral (Land Boundary) & Engineering Surveys
Frequently Asked Questions
Where do we perform surveys?
TerraModus Surveying is based in Cairns but performs surveys throughout Far North Queensland. We perform all types of surveys in urban, rural and remote areas. We are happy to travel to the job. We perform surveys throughout Cairns including Gordonvale, Edmonton, Bayview Heights, Cairns City, Edge Hill, Brinsmead, Redlynch, Stratford, Smithfield, Cairns Northern Beaches and throughout the Cairns Region including Kuranda, Mareeba, Atherton, Malanda, Herberton, Ravenshoe, Mt Surprise, Dimbulah, Chillagoe, Innisfail, Mission Beach, Tully, Cardwell, Ingham, Port Douglas, Mossman, Laura, Coen, Cooktown, Cape York, Thursday Island and throughout the Torres Strait.
Who is a Registered Surveyor? Do I need to use one?
A Registered Surveyor is someone who has been assessed as having the correct qualifications and being competent to perform surveys by the Surveyors Board of Queensland. Surveys performed by Registered Surveyors are carried out in a professional, competent manner meeting the appropriate current legislation, standards and guidelines. Registered Surveyors with a Consulting Endorsement can consult with the public and they have been assessed in business practices and carry the appropriate professional insurances.
TerraModus Surveying