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About The Handmade Expo
The Handmade Expo and Vintage Market Bundaberg has monthly Sunday shopping at its best. Over 60 gorgeous local and visiting stall holders with their best talent on offer at the Civic Centre in the heart of Bundaberg. Come and browse our stalls from Cup cakes, children's clothing and accessories, dolls, hats, wooden toys, soaps, plus many more. Sit and have a coffee and a bite to eat while you watch the children colour in. We are exclusively Handmade/Baked/Grown/Vintage with a few quality supplies for you to enjoy your own 'Handmade experience'. More information can be found on our website We are always looking for new stall holders to join our Handmade Team :)
Clothes, jewellery, homewares, fashion accessories, wooden toys and homewares, metal art, art, crocheting, candles, body products, plants, baked goods, recycled and repurposed items, vintage collectables, clothing and bric a brac and more
We provide a niche market of the before mentioned where we specialise in handmade items, beautiful vintage items and craft supplies.
The highest quality handmade items sold by the maker.
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The Handmade Expo