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About The Rehab Podiatrist
I’m Alex Murray. I’m a Podiatrist in Canberra and I help people understand and overcome their foot, ankle and leg pain through personalised treatment plans focused on getting you back to what you love. With over 10 years experience working with people in pain, from the clinic to the sport field, casual hikers through to elite athletes, I have learnt that people do best when they understand their condition and are put in the driver’s seat empowered to take actions about their health. That’s why my patients and I work as a team, understanding what makes them tick, and crafting a plan unique to them. I work with clients face-to-face and through telehealth. I also provide education and mentoring to Podiatrists and Allied Health Professionals globally. As a person and a clinician, I respect diversity and welcome patients of any race, age, religion, ability, marital status, neurodiversity, sexual orientation, sex or gender identity. I also practice using size-inclusive/HAES® principles. Not sure where to get started on managing your foot and ankle pain? Book an appointment!
One-on-One or In Small Groups
Learn How You Can Become Confident & Comfortable Managing Musculoskeletal Conditions
Online Courses
Live Workshops
Develops a Plan Tailored Specifically to You & Your Goals
We Manage Foot, Ankle & Lower Limb Pain & Injury
Creating Online & In-Person Education
Providing Traditional Foot Orthoses & Footwear Advice
Free to Access Podcasts & Social Media Posts
Foot Orthoses
Injury Rehabilitation
Strength and Conditioning
Gait Analysis
Footwear Prescription
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Ways to Pay
Alex Murray - The Rehab Podiatrist
BHS, M.Pod.Prac, PGDipSEM(Otago), MFPM RCPS(Glasg)
ASCA Level 1 Strength & Conditioning Coach
Sports Exercise Podiatry Australia
Sports Medicine Australia
Australian Strength and Conditioning Association (ASCA) Member
Completing Post-Graduate Education
Frequently Asked Questions
What kind of conditions or injuries does The Rehab Podiatrist treat?
All foot, ankle, leg and shin injuries and pain (e.g. plantar fasciitis, bunions, shin splints, achilles pain) Knee-cap pain Stress fractures Tendon pain Osteoarthritis Altered walking (gait) patterns (e.g. limping, high arched and flat feet) Recurring or persistent sports injuries (e.g. ankle sprains, stress fractures) Complex medical conditions (e.g. rheumatoid arthritis, hypermobility and Ehler
Do I need a referral to see The Rehab Podiatrist?
As a private patient you do not need a referral. However if you wish to claim using an Enhanced Primary Care program, DVA or through workcover insurance, you will need a referral.
The Rehab Podiatrist