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About The Salvation Army
The Salvation Army provides church services. Salvation Army Church is a local welcomming family community dedicated to the service of assist g the local community. We are always open to new members of all ages. Our Church is a happy, friendly and loving environment for families. Any age is welcome young or old, big or small. Our mission is to meet human need without discrimination and to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Saving Souls, growing Saints and serving suffering humanity. We conduct an interactive music program for preschool aged children and their parents. If you are a parent of a child with special needs , The Salvation Army Church at Anna Bay Port Stephens, offers a support group. From time to time a dance is held for children with special needs and their families. A ladies craft group is held every second Tuesday at the Salvation Army Church Port Stephens open to all ladies in our Port Stehens community. Please feel free to come and join our loving family Church Community.
Sunday Worship 10am
Mainly music group Wednesdays 9.30
Salvation Army Assistance Line 1300 371 288 9am-5pm Mon-Fri
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