About TMH Automotive
If your car is making weird noises, or you need a routine service call in to TMH Automotive in Charmhaven for all your automotive repair needs. We care about your safety when on the road, which is why we offer a comprehensive mechanical service to have you back out on the road with peace of mind. Our services include mechanical repairs, servicing, tyre rotations, wheel balancing, general safety checks and tune ups. Whether your car is new or old, we welcome any car that's in need of parts or repairs. We look after most makes and models with a duty of care that assures we go home satisfied that you went home in a safe and roadworthy car. To drive around Wyong in a safe vehicle, call TMH Automotive to book an appointment today.
Auto Parts
Mechanical Repairs
Mechanical Servicing
Tyre Rotation Repairs
Engine Tune Ups
Car Repairs
Vehicle Maintenance
Safety Checks
Logbook Services
Vehicle Repairs
Tyres Replacements
Wheel Alignment Services
Auto Engine Diagnostics
Brake Repairs
Oil Changes
Transmission Repairs
Reasonable Prices
Trustworthy Workmanship
Professional Services
Affordable Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services does TMH Automotive provide?
TMH Automotive offers a wide range of services including general vehicle maintenance, diagnostics, brake and clutch repairs, engine servicing, air conditioning repairs, and more.
Do TMH Automotive service all makes and models of vehicles?
Yes, we service all makes and models of vehicles, both domestic and foreign.
TMH Automotive