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Vineyard Church
Discovering the Joy of Following Jesus
Worshipping God in Our Lives
Making Disciples Who Make Disciples
Building Authentic Community
Partnering in Jesus Mission in Our World
Message from the Bible
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why plant a new church in Toowoomba?
Toowoomba is famously a ‘city of churches’ - it is not unreasonable to ask why the city needs another church. The answer is because we believe church planting is one of the most effective ways to further Jesus’ Kingdom mission (you can read about this here). In a rapidly changing society, new churches can meet needs that aren’t already being addressed by local congregations.
Can I join the church plant?
Absolutely, everyone is welcome! The best first step is to visit us on a Sunday. You don’t need to let us know if you’re coming, but if you do have any questions you can always reach out.
Toowoomba Vineyard Church