About Totally Transformed
Breathe new life into your old aluminum sliding doors, windows and screens by repainting and restoring your frames today. Totally Transformed can update your property's windows and doors for as little as 30-40% of the cost of new aluminum frames. Further, the technology applied allows for significant time savings compared to the traditional process of removal and replacement of windows, screens and doors. Time and money savings make us a renovator's dream! Our revitalisation process involves applying the latest protective coatings technology enabling us to transform your old, faded, damaged and outdated aluminum frames by recoating them with a fresh modern colour, of your choice, giving them new life and a new look! The entire process occurs on site, thus saving you thousands of dollars as well as heaps of time in window, screen and door removal and reinstallation. Totally Transformed staff are so good at what we do - we even work with window, door and screen manufacturers who recommend us to builders when the factory applied paint finish of new products gets damaged during installation or transport. Our unique aluminum window, screen and door restoration process allows us to achieve a quality paint finish equivalent to that on a new car.
Aluminium Painting Services
Recolouring Services Services
Door Repainting Services
Refurbishing Services
Aluminium Security Window Screens Customising Services
Aluminium Joinery Repairs
Painting Inside Of Aluminium Windows & Doors
Garage Door Repainting Services
Metal Fences Recolouring Services
Painting Balustrades
Painting Handrails
Commercial Property Refurbishment
Screen Repainting Services
Applying Protective Coatings To A Wide Range OF Metal Items
Working With Interior Designs & Architectural Firms
Metal Restoration Services
Professional Body Corporate
Home Renovating Services
Screen Service
Aluminium Renovation
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Ways to Pay
Australian Corrosion Associations (ACA) Protective Coatings and Corrossion Inspectors� Course � Certificate number 1606
Crane licences � 8 tonne mobile crane and 10 tonne overhead crane no 815762691
QBCC Licence number: 15011539
Blue card/ White Card No 088085
Forklift licence no 0003063669
Frequently Asked Questions
What warranty does Totally Transformed offer?
Totally Transformed offers the same warranty – 10 years – as new window manufacturers.
Is the repainting of aluminum surfaces provided by Totally Transformed considered to be long-lasting?
The processes used by Totally Transformed ensures that aluminium painting or recolouring is a long-lasting process you can trust. The secret is in the labour-intensive preparation process and the superior quality products Totally Transformed uses, meaning Totally Transformed can offer a 10-year warranty on its services.
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