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About Townsville Automotive Airconditioning
Townsville Automotive Airconditioning will have you on the road in complete comfort once again with our extensive range of air conditioning services. Our team of automotive air conditioning experts offer a huge range of quality services including re-gasing and repairs, conversions to safe ozone friendly gas and new installations. We have more than 20 years experience within the industry and our dedicated team will be able to find the solution to your individual needs when it comes to automotive air conditioning. You can also stay cool and comfortable while keeping the environment in mind thanks to our ozone certification and ozone friendly gas. Learn more about our automotive air conditioning services by stopping by our workshop or give our friendly team a call today for a free quote.
Conversions to safe ozone friendly gas
Re-gas & repairs
New installations
Free quotes
Auto air specialist
Ozone conversions
ARCtick accredited
20 years' experience
Ways to Pay
ARCtick Licence No. AU13547
Ozone Certified
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