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About Tyalgum Public School
Tyalgum Public School is very much a community school, located 25 minutes northwest of Murwillumbah. The school was first established in 1907. The central purpose of Tyalgum PublicSchool is to provide learning experiences and opportunities, which enable all students to gain access to knowledge and develop the skills required for full, active and fruitful participation in society. The school's central purpose is to provide learning experiences and opportunities which enable all students to gain access to knowledge and develop the skills required for full, active and fruitful participation in society. The school values and encourages students to strive for excellence in all areas of human growth. Literacy skill development has continued to be a focus of the school. This focus has been supported by the Disadvantaged Schools Program. Student learning is a feature of the school. It is achieved through participation in a whole school plan which provides individual support and allows for a degree of specialisation by members of staff. So too is the students' involvement in environmental care, exposure to a range of sporting and fitness activities, their access to internet technology and their involvement in a Korean language program. The school is an integral part of the Tyalgum community and acknowledges the valued support it receives from them.
Public School
The School Student Transport Scheme
Strategic Improvement Plan For Students
School Planning & Reporting
Teaching & Learning Programs
School Counselling Service
Inclusive Learning Support Hub
Counselling For Families
Interpreting & Translations
Parents & Citizens Association
Fundraising Activities
Learning Remotely Resources
Creative Arts Classes
Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
Scholarships & Awards
National Assessment Program
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Frequently Asked Questions
Does Tyalgum Public School have a uniform policy?
Yes, Tyalgum Public School has a school uniform policy. Wearing a school uniform fosters a sense of belonging and pride among our students. Information about the school uniform requirements and where to purchase it can be found on our website or obtained from the school office.
How can I enroll my child at Tyalgum Public School?
To enroll your child at Tyalgum Public School, you can download the enrollment forms from our website or visit the school office to collect them in person. Completed forms should be submitted to the school office along with any required documentation.
Tyalgum Public School