What does an aluminium fabricator do?
Aluminium fabricators use processes such as cutting, bending and welding to form metal sheets into useful products.
Can aluminium be welded?
Yes it can, however it creates toxic fumes when melted. Welders must wear specialised respirators and other protective equipment.
What does cross-contamination refer to?
If uncoated aluminium comes into contact with steel —even small particles—it begins to corrode, although the affects will not appear for some time.
Can aluminium sheets be repaired?
Because aluminium is not as malleable as steel, speciality tools and expertise are required to return it to its original shape.
How to polish aluminium?
Polishing aluminium can be done at home however, there are many local aluminium fabricators and repairers near you who can are affordable and high qulaity. So visit the Localsearch website and find who you are looking for and save yourself the hassle.