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About Valley Industries
Valley Industries has been providing support and employment for people with disability in the Manning Valley since 1971 and in 2016, won the Excellence in Business Ethics award at the Mid North Coast Regional Business Awards Valley Industries is a community based, not-for-profit organisation with strong vibrant links with our community, parents, carers and other disability services, to ensure we offer the best services to those looking for support. We employ over 130 people with disability, who are trained in a diverse range of skills and who are engaged in meaningful, paid employment. Our Valley Skills for Life day services provide a broad range of activities - from post-school through to active retirement for over 70 people. Our 45 years of experience in the sector, and our growth in commercial operations, gives us the opportunity to provide an ever-widening range of support services for Participants and their families looking to receive services under the NDIS. We are committed to being an active and supportive part of our community and offer the highest standard of disability services for that community.
Employment Opportunites
Day Programs and Social Activities
Training and Skill Development
Transition to Work & Training for Teens
Accommodation and Living Services
Peadatric Services
Employment for People with Disability
Day Programs for People with Disability
Social Activities for People with Disability
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Valley Industries