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About Veronica McClintic Healing Centre
Welcome to Veronica McClintic Healing Centre. Access the universal energy of love and truth and heal your body, mind and soul through spiritual/thetahealing. ThetaHealing is an energetic modality of healing through prayer to the Creator of All That is and visualisation. Limiting beliefs and trauma are identified and can be dissolved in an instant freeing and enabling the self to obtain a life of abundance. "I have been teaching and practising meditation and spiritual healing for the past 25 years. I work through and with the Creator and my Spirit Guides. I have helped many people with a wide range of physical and emotional problems including spirit and other energy attachments; negative beliefs and feelings about themselves; depression; sadness; inability to move forward in life; suppression; domination; trauma; abuse; abandonment and separation; stress; fear of psychic ability; and physical pain. Although I have a diverse range of other experience and qualifications such as law, nursing and community development, my main love has always been to help people through Spiritual Healing". Veronica
Theta Healing Courses
3 day Theta Healing Course 7 - 9 November 2014. See our website.
Meditation/Spiritual Awareness Circles
Remote Consultation through telephone or skype
Teaching self healing
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Veronica is a certified ThetaHealing practitioner & instructor
Veronica McClintic Healing Centre