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About Vic Collect
Debt Collection and Credit Management Specialists
Debt Collection Services
Credit Management Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
Why should I engage a Debt Collector?
It is a Debt Collector's business to collect money. Normally if they fail to collect a debt they don't get paid, so they have good reason to try and collect your debt. They also have the knowledge and experience to take what can be a time consuming and frustrating chore out of your hands and turn it into cash flow for your business.
Can I recover my debt collection fees from a debtor?
Normally, no. You have engaged a third party to perform services for you. Your debtor is not a party to that engagement. HOWEVER, if you have a signed quote, agreement or credit application form which has been signed by your debtor and that quote, agreement or credit application contains the applicable debt collection costs clause, then YES, you may demand payment of your debt collection fees from
Vic Collect