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Gym Management Software
Direct Debit Services
Gym Hardware
Membership Barcode Tags
Security Access Tags
Growth Resources
Training & Supports
Wellness & Fitness Services
24/7 Gym Security Access
Paxton Access
Evolution Security
Genie Access
Single System Controls
Full System Reporting
Real-Time Visit Updates
Cancellation Management
Suspensions Management
In Arrears Management
Visit Pass Management
Manual Lockout Availability
Third-Party Integrations To VIGYR
Reciprocal Visiting Features
Security Installer Networks
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Red Hill QLD
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Frequently Asked Questions
How Does Gym Management Software Work ?
Most gym software will work by offering a simple management solution to essential business functions. This allows common features such as member check-in, automatic billing, member sign-on, and business reporting to be accessed in one place. VIGYR takes this a step further by offering full process integration that allows all fitness clubs to grow their business with ease.
How can Gym Management Software Grow my Business?
While it is possible to grow a fitness business without club management software, using paper systems or spreadsheets are highly unfeasible when trying to maximise profitability, data security, and the overall member experience.