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About Vocal Adrenaline Performing Arts Nerang
Our experienced, enthusiastic team of instructors nurture your passion, helping you to reach your full potential while having heaps of fun along the way. Whether group classes and one-on-one we’ll mentor you, matching your training with your aspiration and goals—professional or pure leisure. We provide plenty of performance opportunities around Australia and overseas throughout the year giving those with professional ambitions tonnes of experience. All of our teachers work in the industry and can give practical and helpful advice while you’re starting out. Beyond this, our Gold Coast music school is simply passionate about helping our students live their passion and express themselves creatively—however feels right to them.
Varsity Jacket
Kids Classes
Kids Singing Classes
Kids Guitar Classes
Kids Piano Classes
Kids Drama Classes
Drum Classes
Adult Classes
Adult Singing Classes
Adult Guitar Classes
Adult Piano Classes
Adult Drama Classes
Glee Style Singing Group
Drama Group
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Ways to Pay
Frequently Asked Questions
Do I have to pay upfront for lessons in Vocal Adrenaline Performing Arts?
Payment in full is preferred, however, we are more than happy to sort out individual payment plans! We are very flexible like this.
What age can my child start lessons in Vocal Adrenaline Performing Arts?
We believe that the earlier a child starts learning technique, the better! We take students from 5 years old and we tend to split their half hour private lessons into 15minute blocks of two skills. For eg: 15mins singing and 15mins piano. It’s a great way to break up the session while exposing the child to a few different skills!
Vocal Adrenaline Performing Arts Nerang