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About Wappa Falls Observatory
We are one of Queenslands leading private observatories with 28 Telescopes ranging in size from beginner to Wappas. Our shows are humorous, fun and informative to suit all ages with catering for special needs groups. Grounds are in a quiet and dark bush land setting. With over 50 years of experience in astronomy, the observatory has been open for over 31 years. We also provide a mobile show which we take on the road to schools, camps and other events. This includes telescopes, displays, slideshows and more. We cover Sunshine Coast and surrounding areas, Brisbane and more. Contact us for more info. 0427 467 944 or 5446 7944 Our night time show has many of activities including viewing through telescopes, sky tour, indoor display, talk and slideshow. Even if there are clouds or rain, there is still tons to do. We have multiple slide shows to be amazed at. The Day time shows have plenty of things to do also. We have 7 telescopes equipped for safely viewing the sun with 6 different filtering systems. (DO NOT do this without the proper equipment) Also there are indoor shows, our meteorite collection and space walk.
Telescope operations & maintenance
Comprehensive astronomical displays
Mobile Displays for larger groups
Educational displays for schools & other groups
BBQ area Free of Charge
Bon Fire Nights
Planet Walk with information
Nature discovery trail
Metorite displays
All about telescopes
Light Fantastic display
Av Shows
Historical Antique Astronomical display
Quiet Bush setting with no light pollution
Lecture areas
135 seat theatrette
Telescope Displays
Exceptional astronomical displays
Cash, EFT & Cheque payments by arrangement for Larger or registered organisation.
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Wappa Falls Observatory