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About Watchout Traffic Control
Protect your staff and NSW drivers by contracting Watchout Training and Traffic Control for your next roadworks project. As TfNSW approved traffic control company and division of MBC Recruitment in Port Macquarie, Watchout Traffic Control provides scheduled traffic control services and emergency work. Trained controllers all hold Blue and Yellow Roads and Maritime Services Traffic Control Tickets and are also issued with high visibility clothing, a hardhat, a wide-brimmed hat, reflective night overalls, and safety sunglasses to comply with NSW OH&S regulations. Traffic controllers work with a fleet of modern trucks and utility vehicles custom modified to meet specific requirements of Federal and State legislation. This includes extensive signage, first aid, safety lighting, radios and chassis modifications. Looking to start a fulfilling career as a traffic controller, or need to hire Traffic Control Services? Make contact today.
Traffic Control
Traffic controller training
Traffic control
Over 30 years to deliver excellence
Looking for skilled qualified TCs of all abilities to join our teams
Experts in all aspects of traffic management and planning
Safe, reliable and efficient traffic control solutions
Roadside works
Emergency responses
Well-trained traffic controllers
Exceptional service
Ensure a quality work environment for your workers and drivers
Fully equipped vehicles
Approved supplier to Road and Maritime Services.
Approved supplier for the Local Government Procurement scheme and Mid North Coast Regional Procurement scheme
G’ rated traffic management service provider
Experienced teams with the latest equipment
Fast and flexible traffic control
Competitive prices and impeccable safety
Reliable and efficient traffic management
Fast response time
High-quality signage
5 rating
1 review
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Ways to Pay
Direct Debit
RTA approved
Blue & Yellow Roads & Maritime Services Traffic Control Tickets
Red tickets for team leaders
Orange tickets for some senior staff
Frequently Asked Questions
What are your office hours?
Our office hours are weekdays from 9 am to 5 pm.
How can I register for work?
Register for work on our website:
Watchout Traffic Control