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About Whitehills Washer Laundrett
Whitehills Washer Laundrett is a laundromat located in White Hills, Victoria, We offer a variety of laundry services, including washing, drying, and folding. Whitehills Washer Laundrett has a variety of machines to choose from, including top-loading washing machines, front-loading washing machines, and dryers. They also have a folding table and a change machine.
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services does Whitehills Washer Laundrett offer?
Whitehills Washer Laundrett offers a variety of laundry services, including washing, drying, and folding.
What types of machines are available at Whitehills Washer Laundrett?
Whitehills Washer Laundrett has a range of machines to choose from, including top-loading washing machines, front-loading washing machines, and dryers.
Whitehills Washer Laundrett