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About Woombye State School
Woombye State School is a vibrant school with an absolute focus on students and their learning. Our staff are committed to planning and preparing thoroughly in order to actively engage students in all curriculum areas. Staff are supportive of one another, the students and the community and a sense of pride in the school is enhanced by the genuine care and compassion displayed by everyone. We cannot guarantee that your child will be an academic genius at our school but we will do our best to provide a caring, inclusive and secure environment for everyone. We will also use our professional experience to provide an education to suit your child. Students at Woombye understand it is their responsibility to do their very best and in all of their actions to be considerate of others. Our motto 'Achievement with Friendship' provides us with a focal point for discussion regarding attitude, goals and achievement. Our students of our school are characterised by their warm, friendly nature and the way they make visitors feel welcome at our school. The students are proud of our school and work hard to ensure that their academic achievements and social behaviours enhance the great reputation of Woombye State School.
Out Of School Hours Care
Computer And Science Labs
Uniform Shop
Teaching And Learning
Third Party Online Services
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Frequently Asked Questions
How can I enroll my child at Wooroolin State School?
To enroll your child at Wooroolin State School, you can contact the school directly and request an enrollment package. The package will include all the necessary forms and information for enrollment.
Does Wooroolin State School have a uniform policy?
Yes, Wooroolin State School has a uniform policy in place. You can inquire with the school administration to get specific details about the uniform requirements.
Woombye State School