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About Yarrawa Park Stock Horses
Yarrawa Park Stock Horses was formed by Barry and Annette Law in 1953. The first horses used were for top grade polocrosse as Barry played in the famous Rangers Valley team winner of two Australian Championships. Laws Gene and Laws Dream were both champion ponies and their bloodlines remain in our stud today. Yarrawa Park began showing and campdrafting around the same time as the formation of the Australian Stock Horse Society. Yarrawa Park is now owned and managed by Codie & Natalie Law. The stud has moved along to meet the current trends in ASH breeding. It is our aim to continue to breed horses of good type and athletic ability that are from commercially acceptable and well performed families. We have horses for sale at all times and your enquiries are welcome.
Breeders of quality performance horses
Horses for sale
Horseback riding service
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Yarrawa Park Stock Horses