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About YogaHealth Townsville
Yoga Health is Townville's newest and largest professional yoga centre. The teachers are all experienced and focus on a balanced approach, with personality, to the one thing they all love: Yoga. Yoga Health is also part of a community of yoga teachers across the city and actively supports finding the right yoga for you. Our classes range in difficulty and type so please read our class descriptions if you have more specific needs. In general, all but the Intermediate class can be attended on a drop in basis. The Intermediate class is for those students who have developed a good foundation and who will not be lost with its challenges and expectations. If you are in doubt about the suitability of any of our classes please email us using one of the links over on the right under contacts. Namaste ~ The divine in me respects the divine within you ~
Multi level multi teacher studio
Daily classes
Beginner courses
Easy parking
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