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WorkCover Personal Injury Lawyers
Public Liability
Claiming for Occupational Diseases
Hearing Loss Claims
Wills, Estates and Probate Lawyers
Motor Vehicle Lawyers
Car Accident Lawyers
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Doyles Award 2016 - 2022
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a work injury, what can you do to help me? What can I expect?
We specialise in helping injured workers. Over the years, we have successfully assisted many workers achieve their rights under Workers Compensation. You can expect that all resources will be invested into your claim without any regard to complexity, difficulty or cost. Make an appointment to see one of our WorkCover specialists who will happily answer all of your questions and give you a detailed
What if my injury has occurred over a period or I have a recurring injury?
If you have been injured at work, or believe that your work contributed to your injury, then you may be entitled to receive the above WorkCover statutory entitlements. The above WorkCover statutory entitlements do not require fault and therefore your work does not have to be the sole factor that resulted in your injury.
Zaparas Lawyers Oakley