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About Zenith Virago
Hi, I'm Zenith. I am the Founder & EO of The Natural Death Care Centre charity, Australia. As a Deathwalker, a Celebrant and an educator I have been fortunate to be at the forefront of reclaiming dying, death, body care and ceremony back into our own hands and hearts for over 30 years, having worked with dying people and their families and friends, individuals and communities to help them achieve a more holistic and beneficial approach. Zenith Virago is an Australian celebrant and deathwalker known for her work in the fields of death, dying, and natural burials. She is a passionate advocate for empowering individuals and communities to have more meaningful and conscious engagements with death and the dying process. Zenith has dedicated her life to providing guidance, support, and education to help people navigate the complexities of death and make informed choices about end-of-life care, funeral arrangements, and natural burial options.
Marriage Celebrant
Deathwalker Training
Maverick Pioneer of Holistic Natural Death Practises
Consultation & Celebrancy Training
Ceremony Masterclass
Online Trainings
Women's Services
Fears or Concerns Around Death & Dying
Practical, Legal or Social Issues
Dealing With Children Honestly
How Best to Deal With Challenging Situations
Good Self-Care for Professionals
How to Move Into Work Within the Deathcare Field
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Brunswick Heads NSW
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Frequently Asked Questions
What services does Zenith Virago provide as a deathwalker and celebrant?
Zenith Virago offers a range of services to support individuals, families, and communities in their journeys with death and dying.Zenith's expertise and compassionate presence provide a comforting and empowering support system for those navigating the complexities of death and grief.
What is a natural burial, and how is Zenith Virago involved in promoting it?
A natural burial, also known as a green burial or eco-burial, is an environmentally friendly alternative to traditional burial methods. It involves interring the deceased body in a way that allows it to decompose naturally and return to the earth, without the use of embalming chemicals or non-biodegradable materials
Zenith Virago